art of love

>> Saturday, June 21, 2008

The night was my soul
the night was my feel and the night always came in my silent
I always shared my feeling with u and I was not frightened of your dark
because you always wanted to hear me when I needed u
although you were always quiet and not answer me,but I was convinced you always listen to with your silent and I tetep will come to you to share all the contents of myheart



If we could always happy, possibly all will be better than NOW......... We might not sad to be left, need not be broken the heart, need not daydream in the middle of the night, but vulnerable then gazed at the star in the middle of the night.... so because the star was beautiful, from time to time had re-thoughts To the period children......... joked cheerful without the burden.... not just like now early in the morning has rich was dealt with by the elephant.... he he.... heavy.....ops sorry........ forgot then ok.... the LIFE was the struggle, livehe FIGHTER

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